Beats Half Marathon Training – Week 5 (if we can actually even call this one training…)

Hello everyone!

How’s everyone doing this week so far? I know Tuesday is a little late to post a training recap, but I was debating if I should even write this post at all because I didn’t do much training last week. I figured though for the sake of transparency and to make sure I’m not just showing the good on here, but the bad and the ugly also, we should probably dig into what happened last week.

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The Truth About Starting Over…

*Insert Microphone Tap Here*


Not sure if anyone still checks in on my little corner of the blogosphere anymore but I wanted to check in. I know I’ve been horrible about posting recently since life has taken over, but I’ve really been focusing on work and spending as much time with friends and family as possible. I’ve also been struggling about what to post about since my activity level has taken a serious decrease after this. Continue reading

Confessions about life right now…

I know I’ve been neglecting my little corner of the blogosphere for quite some time now. It’s partially due to an explosion of work craziness, but my pure denial is also to blame. I was going strong (or so I thought) on my return to running about a month or so ago. I was finally able to lace up, cross a few finish lines and score some sweet new PR’s. It was such a good feeling to get back to not only doing what I love, with people that I love, but also to get a little closer to feeling like myself again.

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Running Victories and You MUST Add This Song to Your Playlist STAT!

I can’t say that I enjoy being to work at 7am, but I DO enjoy when I’m able to get off from work early enough to make it to the lake before the massive crowds take up all the parking.

The only problem is that around 4:30pm is basically the hottest part of the day. It was about 9 million degrees outside and I was wearing this.

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The Gift of .75 Miles

If you would have asked me a couple years ago if I would have been excited to run .75 miles on the dreadmill in 8:01 minutes, I probably would have laughed at you. Back then, if I was going to go for a run, it was going to be at minimum 3.1 miles at a pace of at least 8:30 minutes per mile. I rarely ever ran on the dreadmill because I preferred to run on either the beautiful trail along the water by my office or on the convenient streets of my neighborhood. I liked to run on a terrain similar to what I would be running on during the races I used to compete in EVERY.SINGLE.WEEKEND. Continue reading

We All Have Our Ups And Downs…

I just wanted to thank you all for all of your sweet comments on my post yesterday. You were all so sweet and I can’t thank you enough for all of your lovely comments and Tweets about my post.

Today, I wanted to talk to you about the flip side of my post yesterday. I felt inspired to write this post to share with you all after reading this post by my friend, Molly. I know this may seem kind of ironic after yesterday’s post on positivity, but I always want to be as transparent as possible on here. Everyone has their ups and downs when dealing with an injury and I am no different. It’s easy for me to get on here and tell you to embrace the change and be open to new experiences, which I do truly believe, but it’s not fair to only show the “everything is peachy keen” side of the story, so here’s the uglier side of things. Let’s dig into it.

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Staying Positive While Dealing With An Injury

Staying positive when dealing with an injury is a topic that has been milling around in my head for the last little while now, as I’m sure you guessed. Even though I’m up and moving after my car accident, things are not even close to being back to normal. I’m still dealing with the never ending headache and a ton of aches and pains I never had before. Needless to say, things around here have changed a little lately.

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Tips and Tricks for Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Hey there!

I have had a couple of friends and coworkers complain of Plantar Fasciitis issues lately, so I thought this was something worth addressing. I’ve definitely had my bouts with PF over the years, so I know first hand how frustrating it can be. It is one of the most annoying and persistent injuries a runner can have because there isn’t a magic cure or pill you can take to treat it. There are however some tips to prevent it like homegrown treatment methods and stretches to help ease the pain.

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