Confessions about life right now…

I know I’ve been neglecting my little corner of the blogosphere for quite some time now. It’s partially due to an explosion of work craziness, but my pure denial is also to blame. I was going strong (or so I thought) on my return to running about a month or so ago. I was finally able to lace up, cross a few finish lines and score some sweet new PR’s. It was such a good feeling to get back to not only doing what I love, with people that I love, but also to get a little closer to feeling like myself again.

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5 random things I feel like talking about today.

Hey there!

Can you guys believe that Christmas is only a week away?!?! I haven’t even finished my Christmas shopping, so I guess it’s probably about time I get to that before it’s too late, huh?! Blah. There is nothing I hate more than fighting for a parking spot at the mall with all the crazy last minute shoppers. I usually tend to go during the off hours when it’s not so busy during the holidays anyways because I’ve always loved doing Christmas shopping late at night at the mall since I was little for some reason. It seemed like so much more fun since it’s not something that was available to do all the time. I can’t be the only one who thinks this, right?

Anywhoo… get ready for the randomness that spilled out from my brain to this blog. Enjoy!

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