Workout Wednesday – Sweat it Out Playlist

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having a happy Wednesday so far! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it halfway through the work week already. Nice job!

The other day, my cousin send me a text message asking me to create a playlist for her to use during her workouts. Since I LOVE my cousin and I LOVE creating playlists, of course I said yes! It’s also been a little while since I posted a playlist of my new favorite workout songs on here, so I thought I’d share what I came up with for her with all of you, too! If you’re anything like me, you’re always searching for new songs to add to the mix, so you can really never have too many songs to choose from!  Continue reading

Fall Workout Playlist + Workout Check-In

Hello Everyone!

Have you been having a good week so far? I’ve been feeling a little out of it lately and that was very evident in spin class yesterday. I usually like to show up to class about 20 minutes early so I can zone out and do my own thing for awhile before class starts and yesterday was no different. (That’s why the photo of me is super dark because they don’t turn the lights on in the classroom until about 10 minutes before class starts.) Once my solo 20 minutes were over and class started, time seemed to drag on forever. I was tired, not in the mood to be there, couldn’t wait for it to be over and the music selection for the class was all wrong, in my opinion. I know you all know by now how important I think music is in motivating us and getting us pumped up for a good workout!

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Workout Wednesday – Playlist Edition

Happy Hump Day!

Okay, so I know this video is old and you’ve probably already seen it a million times but it freaking gets me every. single. time. I’m literally cry laughing as I’m writing this right now. So funny.

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