A Look Back At 2014


I wasn’t originally planning on doing a year in review recap since I didn’t start A Couple of Dashes until August, but after reading a few by other bloggers (Lake Shore Runner, Meals and Miles and Run Eat Repeat), I decided I would be sad if I didn’t have one to look back at next year. My year was filled with some crazy highs and lows. I lost some old friends and made some new ones, let go of some dreams that could never fully make it to fruition, but also saw some dreams I never could have imagined before come true. So here’s a look back at all the shenanigans I got into in 2014! Let’s get to it!

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Words To Live By In 2015

Hey there!

So who’s excited to start a whole new year full of promise, excitement, setting and achieving goals and having new experiences?!?! (I should tell you that I’m pointing two thumbs in my direction right now, since you can’t see me!) There’s something about starting over with a clean slate that I just love about the new year. I’m really ready to take what I’ve learned in 2014 and build on it in 2015. I have high hopes that 2015 is going to be freaking fabulous filled with some major accomplishments and fun times with loved ones.

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