5 Things Friday: My Top 5 Favorite Songs in 2014

Hey there!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family. My Christmas started off at around 4:30am in the hospital emergency room. Yes, if you’re keeping track, that’s my second ER visit in the last week. Turns out the car accident I got into last Sunday was a little more serious than I originally thought.

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Make Me Happy Monday 11.03.14 + Nuun Giveaway Winner!

Hello everyone!

Do you know what time it is? It’s time for Make Me Happy Monday where I share all of the things that are making me smile lately in hopes to bring a smile to your face or give you an idea of something fun to check out! So let’s dig in!


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5 Things Friday – Happy Halloween!


Did I scare you?!?!

Happy Halloween!

I’m so excited that Halloween is on a Friday this year! It makes it a lot more fun to be able to have Halloween parties on Halloween! Are you guys doing anything fun for Halloween today? I’m going to the gym to get a good workout in before I head out to a friends’ party. I’m hoping that since it’s Halloween, the weight room will be less busy than usual so I can get in strength training workout #2 toward my completing my workout challenge for the week! Fingers crossed!

1. To start the celebration out right, here are some cute puppies in Halloween costumes! I can’t even begin with the amount of cuteness here! I mean Winnie the Pooh?!?!


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