Workout Challenge Week 1 Check-In

Hello! Hey! Hi! How you doing?!?!

I’m a little hyped up if you can’t tell! How have your workouts been going this week? I challenged myself to start incorporating more strength training into my workouts last week as part of a workout challenge my friend Katie and I are doing together to help hold us accountable. I have gotten into a rut of only doing spin class and nothing more the last couple of months, so I knew it was time to step up my game and start incorporating some strength training and variety into my weekly workouts. My goal was to incorporate three 30 minute strength training sessions on top of the spin classes and other cardio I was already doing.

Week One Workout Challenge

I thought it would be fun to share how the challenge is going for me here to help hold me accountable even more and to bring you guys along for the ride. I’d love it if you guys joined in! Here’s how I did:

Workout Recap

Wednesday: 80 minutes of spin + 30 minutes of upper body super set workout

Thursday: Rest

Friday: 60 minutes of spin + 35 minutes upper body super set workout + core work + 5 minutes cool down stair climber 🙂

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Get Your Rear In Gear 5k

Monday: 80 minutes of spin + 30 minutes upper body machines + core work

Tuesday: 45 minutes of spin + 30 minutes random upper body exercises

So if we’re counting Wednesday-Tuesday, I made my goal, but if we’re counting Monday-Sunday, I missed it by one. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to track this since it makes the most sense to me to count from Monday-Sunday, even though I’m planning on posting my updates on Wednesdays.

I started wearing an activity tracker in October to try to encourage myself to be more active, since I work a desk job in a VERY small office where I can literally roll in my office chair to anywhere I need to go all day (not that I’ve tried that or anything). I noticed that on the days that I got a workout in, I either met my step goal of 10,000 steps for the day (the recommended daily average) or came VERY close to it. On my rest days, I didn’t even come close. Interesting. There’s some food for thought.

future self

I think that making a plan for my workouts going forward will make it easier for me to accomplish my weekly goals and make sure I fit everything in, despite my busy schedule. Here’s what I have planned for this week:

My Plan For This Week

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 30 minutes stair climber + Core workout for runners

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 80 minutes spin + 30 minutes strength training

Sunday: Core Circuit Workout

Monday: 80 minutes spin + 30 minutes strength training

Tuesday: 80 minutes spin + 30 minutes strength training


Questions of the Day:

What is your favorite strength training workout? Any good recommendations?

Do you use an activity tracker? Love it or leave it?

What was your favorite workout lately?


8 thoughts on “Workout Challenge Week 1 Check-In

  1. I have a fitbit, and work a desk job too. If I’m not actively running or managing it, I’d never hit 10,000 steps.

    On the weekends I breeze past 20,000 often. But weekdays are a struggle. However, a quick run usually puts me over. It makes me realize how awful my work is for me.


  2. for strength training I normally focus on legs and core. Been doing more core stuff lately with my 30 day sit-ups challenge.
    I track my running sessions on Runtastic and I love it! I don’t have an app for tracking cross training but I write it down in my running journal 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love that you are planning out your workouts too! Keep up the great work, I’m pushing hard too. I record it all on MapMyRun, it helps me keep track. Kind of like a running journal and I can add notes about my run/workouts too. Look forward to keeping up this challenge with you!


  4. No real plan, but my car is still in the shop. Tuesday: several miles walking back and forth to the library. Major public transit excursion on Friday which will involve some walking. Also, some gardening that needs to be done. A walk to get some froyo?


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