Friday Favorites – Brookies, Target Finds and More!

Happy Friday everyone!

We made it! YAY! I’m so excited to head over to the Rock and Roll Seattle Expo later on today! Make sure to stop by the ClassPass booth if you’re there and say hello!

Since my internet is acting up AGAIN and I’m writing this in my phone, let’s get into my Friday favorites! Make sure to share yours in the comment section below. I’d love to hear all about what you’ve been loving lately!

1. Brookies

Brownie + Cookie = WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE?!?!

(I love them so much that I didn’t even get a picture to share before they were all gone!)

My mom had these at home when I went to visit a few weeks ago and I immediately fell in love with them. I saw them at the grocery store by my apartment the other day and immediately threw them in my basket without giving it a second thought. I’ve been back to the grocery store another time this week just to buy more of them so I decided that I need to try to make them myself. Every girl needs her own go-to dessert recipe right?!!? I’m bound and determined to make the brookie MINE!

Stay tuned for an update on this! 🙂

2. Fruit infused water

Now obviously I can’t just sit around and eat brookies all day without having something fun to drink, so I’ve been balancing it out with fruit infused water this week. I have an overabundance of fruit in my fridge this week so I’ve been using some of it to help flavor my water as a special treat. It definitely makes drinking plain old boring water a little more like a treat with some fruit thrown into the mix.


(RIP: this water bottle mysteriously disappeared during my move.)

So far this week I’ve had:

Monday: Strawberry
Tuesday: boring old water
Wednesday: Orange
Thursday: Lemon
Friday: Lemon cucumber

I normally only really drink water anyways since I don’t drink coffee or soda, but I have trouble staying excited about plain water during the summer months for some reason. I always crave something with a little more flavor, but there’s only so much Gatorade G2 a person can handle before needing a serious intervention! Enter fruit infused water to the rescue to cure the summer water blues!

3. Target dresses

Since I sent back the two dresses that came in my StitchFix this month and the current temperatures in Seattle have been warm enough to make pants no longer an option, I picked up a couple of dresses last weekend from Target and I’ve been loving them this week. And BONUS, I got both dresses from Target for less than one of the dresses from StitchFix. SCORE!

4. Silk yogurt

Since being dairy-free-ish for around 6 or so years now, I’ve come to really appreciate good non-dairy substitutes. I always ate a lot of yogurt when I was younger, so it was one thing I had a really hard time replacing when I went dairy-free was yogurt. I’ve tried a ton of non-dairy yogurt options but have only recently found a couple ones that I really enjoy. So when I went to the store a few weeks ago and noticed they started carrying a new dairy-free yogurt option that actually had some protein in it, I got really excited and couldn’t wait to give it a try.


The soy yogurts I have tasted in the past have been horrible, so I was skeptical, but willing to give it a try. Good thing I did because I’ve been loving this stuff lately!

5. Peanut butter rice cakes

One of my friends at work is constantly eating rice cakes and so I decided to give them a try too. Since eating dry rice cakes is about as appealing as well nothing, I decided to smear some peanut butter on them. It was delicious AND gluten free! SCORE!

Questions of the day:

Dairy-free people: What are your favorite dairy-free foods, tips or tricks?

What’s something fun you have planned for the weekend?

Are you currently training for any races?


Linking up to Eat Pray Run DC, Mar On The Run, You Signed Up For What?, Fitful Focus, Fitting It All In, Life In Leggings, Jill Conyers, Running 4 Cupcakes, September Farm, The Diary of a Real Housewife, The Good Life, The New Mrs Adventures and XOXO Rebecca!

22 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – Brookies, Target Finds and More!

  1. I love almond milk! I don’t know how people drink regular milk!! I’m not training for anything currently.. will start in about 3 weeks for NYCM. Best part of my weekend will be celebrating my best friends birthday with brunch in NYC! Hope you have a fab weekend : )


    • That sounds like such a fun weekend! I hope you have a blast!!!

      And I’m with you, I don’t know how people drink regular milk either. Bleh! Good luck with your training!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Target dresses and Orange G2 are my favorites!!! I also love that water bottle, sorry you lost it in the move. My infuser leaks, so I need a new one. I noticed my water intake drop dramatically since it started leaking….


    • I love green G2! Yum! Have you gotten any fun dresses lately? I think I need to pick up a few more! What kind of infused do you have? They don’t sell the one I lost anymore, so I’m on the hunt for a new one😃


    • Ohhhhhh online?!?! I hadn’t even thought to look at there dresses online! What a great idea!

      Is this your first RnR Marathon? I’ve never done one before but it’s definitely on my bucket list! Have a great weekend!


  3. Tricia, you have to keep me posted on this Brookies; this sounds TOO good! I’ve been trying to add fresh lemon to my water at work…it makes such a huge difference, don’t you think? Just to have something slightly different? Target dressed are THE BEST! I always look for dresses when I am there; I have some that I wear to work that I always get so many compliments on. I’m so glad you found these cute ones! Hope you have a great weekend!


    • I completely agree! I actually just went to the kitchen and filled up my water bottle with fresh water and lemons just a few minutes ago! My aunt always keeps fresh lemon water in her fridge so I make sure to steal some when I’m visiting! 🙂

      Target definitely has some awesome clothes! I have quite a few tops and fun graphic tank sleep shirts from there so I’m adding dresses into the mix now too. I’m glad you’ve been able to score some awesome finds from there too! I will make sure to keep you posted on the brookies! Have a great weekend lady! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • So true! I just usually don’t have the patience to wait that long! I’m always worried that they won’t have it in my size when it goes on sale. I’ve missed out one to many times! 🙂


  4. I MISS TARGET. ;_;

    I’m not completely dairy-free, but I stopped drinking milk about…15(?) years ago, and was all about the soy milk! I’ve also branched out to coconut + almond in recent years. I love that there are so many alternatives out there these days!


    • I completely agree! I used to add those flavor things that came in the squirt bottles to my water but I started to get really bloated from them so I stopped. This is much healthier anyways so it was for the best!


    • Thanks for hosting!

      I keep hearing about frozen banana “ice cream” but have yet to try it! I’m adding it to my list now!


  5. Dry rice cakes are the equivalent of eating styrofoam. But I looooove them with PB.
    I start training for NYC in a couple weeks but that’s really the only race on my calendar at this point. The bookies look tasty. May have to look out for them on my next grocery store trip.


  6. I’m not training for anything but, strangely, I’m ok with that. My workouts have been on point lately! Love fruit infused water. I had no idea Silk now has dairy free yogurt. I’d practically given up on it. Coconut Milk yogurt isn’t bad.

    Thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday Tricia 🙂


    • I like coconut milk yogurt, but it doesn’t have any protein in it really so that’s what’s nice about the soy yogurt!

      Glad to hear you’re workouts have been on point and that all is well!

      Thanks for hosting!!!


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