Friday Favorites – Brookies, Target Finds and More!

Happy Friday everyone!

We made it! YAY! I’m so excited to head over to the Rock and Roll Seattle Expo later on today! Make sure to stop by the ClassPass booth if you’re there and say hello!

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Red Hot Red Velvet Cupcakes

Hey there!

Today I wanted to share with you a quick, easy and festive recipe that I whipped up for Valentine’s Day this year. As I’m sure you’ve probably started to realize, I’m a huge fan of cupcakes (see examples here, here and here), so it should come as no surprise that I just had to create some sort of fun cupcake to celebrate Valentine’s Day! Though I’m not really celebrating this year, I do like to make fun treats to share, so I whipped up these babies to take to some coworkers and to my physical therapy office. Continue reading