Weekend in Review: Happy 30th To Me!

Last Thursday I celebrated the big 30, but I’ve been celebrating all week long. I’ve been told that birth week celebrations are a thing so I’ve been taking full advantage of it! I’ve also got big plans to celebrate with a group of friends next weekend by crossing something off of my bucket list, so I’m really excited for that too!

Since I’ve got a ton of pictures to share from all of the celebrations and other weekend shenanigans, I’m going to try to keep it to one sentence per picture so this doesn’t get too long!

As always, I’m linking up with Tara at Running N Reading, Katie at Healthy Diva Life and Erin at Her Heartland Soul for their weekend recap linkups. If you have a blog, consider linking up your weekend recap posts too and/or stop by to read what others did over the weekend! So let’s get into it!

On Wednesday night, I got a head start on celebrating with Matt and Jenica.


There was celebratory champagne…


Singing, great company…


and lots of different flavors of cupcakes to try. The Red Velvet was by far my favorite!


Thursday started with a trip to the Pike Place Satellite Market that happens every Thursday on my works’ campus.


The fresh Greek yogurt is the main attraction and definitely worth every penny. It’s crazy delicious.


My teammates at work through me a birthday party with this cake that had ALL of the rainbow sprinkles!


They also gave me this sweet card and…


a cute little plant for my desk. They definitely know how to make a girl feel loved!


After work, I met up with my parents for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Bahama Breeze. Make fun of chain restaurants all you want but there’s something to be said about live island music, palm trees and a fire pit inside of the restaurant. Love it!


I had the Chipotle Beef Rice Bowl with extra guac. YUM!


Me with the parentals after dinner. ❤


My mom hand made me this Seahawks blanket which I am loving already even though it’s like 90 degrees here right now. I also got a DVD player to take the place of watching movies on my laptop.


Oh and I got the biggest balloon bouquet ever!


Friday night, I headed over to Pure Barre to see if the second class was any easier than the first and it was! I still don’t love it, but I’ll definitely keep going back.


After that, I headed over to the lake for a quick run since I had just gotten my leg and knee re-taped again earlier that day during my trip to the chiropractor.


I was pleasantly surprised by my pace, even though I took a few short walk breaks.


Love this view.


I finished up with a little yoga for runners that did the trick with stretching all the right places!


On Saturday, my aunt asked if I wanted to come over to watch a movie. When I showed up, it was actually a surprise family birthday party for me! I had absolutely no idea they were all up to something! I’ve got big plans for my new dessert stand and plan on putting it to good use!


My aunt made me this photo college of important moments over the last 30 years. SO sweet!


They decorated the house in my two favorite colors (betcha can’t guess what they are!) and we watched “Sweet Home Alabama” which is such an adorable movie!


I honestly have the best family that a girl could ever ask for. But seriously though… they’re pretty awesome! ❤


I can’t even begin to thank everyone for all that they did this week to make me feel special. I really wasn’t looking forward to turning 30 this year. Actually, a more accurate statement would be that I was absolutely dreading it, so all of the fun celebrations with friends and family made leaving my 20’s behind a little easier to stomach.

I’ve been told by many people this week that your 20’s are a hot mess but your 30’s are awesome because that’s when all the cool stuff starts to happen, so I’m ready to see what’s in store for me! Thanks everyone for all of the time and effort you put into making this week special for me. You are all the absolute best and I’m so happy to have been able to share this with you!

Questions of the Day:

For those of you that are 30+, what’s something awesome that happened to you in your 30’s? What should I be looking forward to in my 30’s?

For those of you in your 20’s, are you dreading turning the big 3-0?

What’s your favorite thing to buy when you visit the farmers’ market?



18 thoughts on “Weekend in Review: Happy 30th To Me!

  1. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU! So glad you celebrated with a birthday week – it’s the only way to do it : ) I buy ALL THE FRUIT at Farmer’s Markets… Strawberries are my absolute go to! Hope you have a fabulous Monday

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much!!! I’m planning on continuing to celebrate this coming weekend too so I’m really milking it for all it’s worth!

      Farmer’s Market fruit is the absolute best! It’s always so sad when it gets cold out and the farmer’s markets close for the winter. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy birthday Tricia. The 30’s are so daunting. I’ve actually loved mine so far. I’m 36 now and it’s been nothing short of stellar. Think more refined.
    My hubby (he was boyfriend at time) surprised me for my 30th with a huge party. It kicked off a great decade of more fun to come. It just keeps getting better.


    • Thanks so much! That’s what I hear! I’m sure hoping my 30’s have something awesome in store for me too!

      That’s so sweet of your boyfriend at the time to have surprised you!!! He must be a keeper since you ended up married! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 30 is really not so bad. I remember thinking that 30 was so old, until I turned 25 and realized how close I was. Now being 30, I have no complaints. It sounds scary, but I feel so accomplished. I’ve done a lot already at age 30 (I turned 30 last October): got engaged, finished a half marathon, started training for a full. Life is pretty amazing in your 30s! Happy birthday and enjoy your 30s!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much lady! You make me feel so much better! Sounds like you’ve been killing it in your 30’s so far! I can only hope it goes just as well for me too! Happy belated birthday to you!!!


  4. Happy 30th Birthday! Thanks for sharing your week – looks like you had a great time with friends and family. I love your top you are wearing in the last few photos (white one).


    • Thanks so much!!! It was a really great week!

      Thanks! It’s super comfy too! I got it at Nordstrom in TBD just a month or so ago so they might even still have it! 🙂


  5. I wasn’t kidding when I said birth-week is a thing, amIright?! They’re a blast… and you’re worth celebrating for at least a week. Permission granted to celebrate all year long if you so choose. (All I’m saying is consider it. 🙂 )

    So glad you had/are having a great celebration! I’ve always heard that your 30s are amazing. Heck, the older I get the more confident I get, the more accomplished I feel, and the more I appreciate all the wonderful things this life has to offer – so I definitely believe it!

    P.S. I adore the amount of sweets and that balloon display. I will nowbe bringing one to every fiesta I attend!


    • Hahahah! I completely agree! I still have at least two more celebrations coming up so I’m definitely still going to be celebrating for awhile!

      I’m really hoping that my 30’s are better than my 20’s because I don’t think I can handle another decade of those! hahaha!!!

      BTW… if you still want to chat lemme know 🙂


  6. Happy Happy Birthday!!! 30s are great! I have been on some of my best trips and greatest adventures since I turned 30:) I broke in my 30th birthday with my first skydiving trip, LOL
    Love all your pictures, so much fun!!!!


  7. Happy belated birthday! I’m not actually hungry, but all those delicious food pictures are making me want to eat everything again! Stoppp! haha. 😛 Celebrating all week long is definitely awesome, and that’s so cool of your mom to make you that blanket! :]!

    I wouldn’t say that I’m dreading the big 3-0, but it makes me wonder if my parents are gonna start getting on my case again about finding someone to be with and all that goodness. (When will I ever have the time? 😡 )


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