Weekend In Review – Hot Choco 5k & Apartment Shopping!

Hey there!

Once again I’m coming to you a little later than normal today due to the crazy whirlwind that has become my life in the last few days (all good things though!). Since all the I’s have been dotted and the T’s have been crossed, I can officially tell you all the good news! After around 8 months of on and off interviewing with this company, I finally accepted an awesome job offer and will be starting my new gig on March 16th!

I currently work in the sales department at an entertainment company and will be moving into the HR department of a large tech company, so to say this is a change would be a complete understatement. Also since I currently work in Tacoma, WA and my new job is in Seattle, I will also be moving in the VERY near future. For those of you not familiar with the Tacoma/Seattle area, the commute time between the two is only around 45 minutes without traffic, but can take around 2 hours one way during rush hour, so I’m on a mad dash to find the perfect place to live STAT so I don’t spend my life in my car on the freeway for the next few weeks.

That being said, the majority of my weekend was spent apartment hunting in the big city with my mom and aunt. It’s turning out to be a bit more of a process than I originally thought it would be since decent apartments are few and far between in Seattle. I did find one place that I am absolutely in love with so far, so I took some photos of the beautiful views! I could definitely get used to being this close to the water…


and waking up to this!


In addition to all the apartment shopping, we also hit up the Hot Chocolate expo to pick up our packets and take some fun photos!


I’ll be doing a full recap of the Hot Chocolate 5k later this week, but here’s one of my favorite photos from the race. I think I’m finally recovering from the insane amount of sugar I took in so early in the morning!


Questions of the Day:

I need your help! Do you have any awesome apartment hunting/moving tips?

What did you do this weekend? Did you race?


Linking up to Healthy Diva Life, Her Heartland Soul, Life of Meg & Running N Reading.

18 thoughts on “Weekend In Review – Hot Choco 5k & Apartment Shopping!

    • Thanks so much! ❤ I'm definitely contemplating professional movers since I'm moving about an hour away from where I live now into some sort of apartment complex in a busy city. Hiring professionals seems like the less stressful way to go!


  1. Congrats Tricia, I am soooo excited for you!! Woooo. Now I know what the celebratory drink was this afternoon 🙂 Yay new chapter opened! Apartment hunting can be stressful but once you find a great one you will know.


    • Thanks so much! Yeah, that was definitely what the celebratory drink was for! 🙂 I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep up with my blog, move and start a new job all at once. Eeeekkk! How have you been handling keeping up with yours with your new job?

      Apartment shopping has definitely been stressful so far but mainly just because everything is crazy expensive so I have to do a little more digging to find something that doesn’t cost more than a house payment!

      Hope you’re having a great day!


    • Hahahahaah! I can only imagine! I think it will be fun to work helping people find jobs though, so I’m excited about that part! Thanks so much for the well wishes! Have a great day! 🙂


  2. Congrats on the job!! Can’t wait to read more about your adventures 🙂 as far as packing tips…label every box for exactly what’s in it, and where it should go! Sounds simple but has helped me 🙂


    • Thanks so much! I’m so excited but also a little nervous to make the change! That’s a great packing tip! I’m more of a throw everything in a box and hope for the best type of person, so I think I need to be more organized this time around! 🙂


  3. Congrats on the new job, Tricia! I live in the Portland area but spent a week a month in the Seattle area when I was in sales. I remember what the Seattle area rush hour traffic was like, no fun. Best of luck finding a new place that you love! My best moving tip is to color code your boxes with labels for which room they need to go in. Whether you move yourself of hire movers, you can easily spot which area of the house the boxes belong in – and it helps keep everything organized as much as possible.


    • Thanks so much!!! I’m hoping to find something soon, so I don’t have to fight the traffic for to long. I love your tip of color coding! Thanks for sharing! Have a great day! 🙂


  4. My best moving advice is to check out Craigslist for apartments. It sounds sketchy, but real places will have an address listed somewhere and when you google it you can find the name of the apartment complex and usually more pictures or even reviews. That’s how I found my last few places! Moving is a pain for sure – I just moved to Anchorage in October and signed my lease literally 3 hours before jumping on a plane to leave the city so it was pretty intense! Apartment hunting is pretty tough here too!


    • Thanks so much for the advice! I’ve definitely been looking there the last couple of days so hopefully I can find something soon!

      YIKES!!! 3 hours before getting on a plane?!?! Intense!!!


  5. OH, MY GOSH!! Congratulations on your new job, Tricia! That is amazing! I’m so excited for you; I do not, however, envy your move. I hate moving. Maybe worse than anything else in the world, but it’s definitely up there with cleaning the bathtub. I know you’re going to find a great place and it’ll be exciting to have an awesome change of scenery; I think you’ll love it. I want to come visit – ha! Can’t wait to hear all about your race, too; y’all look so cute in these pictures! Thanks so much for joining in on the link up this week; keep us posted on your progress!


    • THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Yeah, I’m really having a hard time even finding a place to move too, so it’s turning out to be much more of a labor intensive process than I originally thought it would be. And that’s BEFORE moving boxes up flights of stairs! 😦 It’s going to be awesome once it all gets sorted out though and you’re welcome to come visit! We should plan something and then you, me and Molly can run a race together!!!!! EEEKKK!!! That would be so much fun!!! 🙂

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