Weekend in Review – Seattle Bike Swap, Dessert For Breakfast and More!

Hey there!

I’m coming to you a little later than normal today because I was crazy busy this weekend and didn’t have time to write this on Sunday night like I normally do. I have a feeling that some good things might be happening soon, but more to come on that later. Fingers crossed, but I saw the most beautiful rainbow on Friday on my way home, so I’m taking that as a good sign!

On Friday, I met up with my aunt and uncle to celebrate National Frozen Yogurt Day. Menchie’s was hoppin!


Since there was a TON of people there, I had to put my rainbow sprinkles under the hot fudge, rather than on top like I normally do, which definitely makes for a much less pretty photo. Why don’t they put the sprinkles next to the hot toppings? Anywhoo… I think this may have been the only time my mix came to under $2.00 (because they were giving the first 6 ounces away for free).


I also spent some quality time cuddling with my puppy. She spent the day on Saturday at the puppy spa and she wasn’t very happy with me after that. I’m glad I was able to get some cuddle time in with her before she decided she hated me for torturing her with a bath.


On Saturday, I worked an auction to help raise money for an elementary school that is about an hour north from where I live. I was feeling a little fancy, so I stepped up my game and even wore heels, which is something I usually NEVER do. I hate heels with a passion and usually avoid wearing them like the plague, so this was a moment worthy of a shameless selfie in probably the nicest bathroom I’ve ever been in.


These moms and dads sure knew how to party for a good cause. They were all pretty drunk by the end and started bidding crazy insane amounts of money on things no one needs, so all in all, it was a success.


Then I headed up north again bright and early Sunday morning to meet my friend, Matt and his dad for the annual Seattle bike swap. I’ve never been to one of these before, so I was really excited to see what it was all about.


Since I really want to start doing bike races, I was on a mission to find a sweet new bike. Mission accomplished! I came home with this navy blue bike that I found at a steal of a price. Now, I’ve just got to spend a little time fixing it up so that I’m ready for my first race in April.


I ended up also picking up a brand new pair of lime green and black tires, green handle bar tape and a flashing light for the back so people can see me! I can’t wait to get all my new stuff on my bike so I can see what the finished product looks like!


Then I FINALLY invested in a pair of spin shoes. It’s about time! In the end, I walked out with a ton more stuff that I planned on picking up at a fraction of my bike budget, so I’m very happy with the outcome.


After the swap, I met up with my friend Callie for brunch at my favorite spot, Portage Bay, followed by a movie. Brunch must always be accompanied by mimosas. It’s a rule.


I ordered the Berry Crumble French Toast that turned out to be much more like a huge dessert than I imagined. I ordered it because I wanted to use the breakfast bar for toppings, but as you can tell, I didn’t really need to add anything. The breakfast bar is the thing I love most about Portage Bay and you can only use it if you order some form of pancakes or French toast (hence my order). The breakfast bar includes all types of fresh fruits, nuts, fresh whipped cream and other toppings. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in the door and it will make you drool!


After brunch, we walked around downtown for awhile to walk off some of our sugar high before we went to see “Wild.” It was an interesting movie, but more of a RedBox rental type, than a must see in the theaters.


Then I finally got my hands on the Red Velvet Oreos that I’ve been seeing all over Instagram lately. I’ve gotta say, they’re not as good as I expected them to be. They do taste much better when dipped in frosting, but what doesn’t?!?! I think it might be time to go on a sugar detox. I’ve been eating WAY too much junk food lately and I think all the sugar is starting to make me feel a little less than stellar.


Questions of the Day:

What is the best thing that you ate this weekend?

What was the last movie you saw?

Have you seen “Wild”? What did you think?


Linking up to Healthy Diva Life, Her Heartland Soul, Life of MegA Savory FeastOur Three Peas, Peas and Crayons and Running N Reading.


22 thoughts on “Weekend in Review – Seattle Bike Swap, Dessert For Breakfast and More!

    • You and me both sister! I purposefully did not test drive the bike in front of people because I was afraid of falling on my face in front of the serious bikers! 🙂


  1. Your weekend looks crazy. I wish we had a bike swap out here. And I should get on those Oreos. 🙂

    Love your going out outfit, you look so pretty!


    • Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you to say! 🙂

      It was a crazy busy weekend but full of all good things! Don’t stress about getting those Oreos if you can’t find them. They’re nothing to write home about. Though, they do taste significantly better when covered in frosting, so there’s that! 🙂


  2. Tricia, you were lookin’ HOT for your auction, girlfriend! Woo hoo! Love those shoes; I rarely ever wear my heels, either, and I have tons of them. I love that y’all have a bike swap – whaaaat?!? Awesome idea! Oh, my gosh; I wish we had one of these. Maybe I need to mention this to some of my cycling friends and let them run with it; such a great way to save money and “relieve” others of things they don’t want anymore. I haven’t seen “Wild” yet; I read the book and I kind of don’t want to be disappointed; after your comment, I’ll wait for Redbox. The last film we saw was “American Sniper.” Thanks so much for linking up with the blog this week!


    • Awwww that’s so sweet of you to say! THANK YOU!!! 🙂

      The bike swap was absolutely amazing! I came out with a bike, a new set of tires, handle bar tape, a reflector light, a bracelet and a new pair of spin shoes for just barely over $200 so I consider it a win! I was planning on spending a lot more so I was happy with the outcome. Now I just need to put everything together!

      If you liked the book, I think you’ll be happy with the movie. My friend said the movie followed the book pretty closely. I think I was just expecting it to be a little different than what it turned out to be or something. I heard “American Sniper” was really good! I think the next one I want to check out is “Taken 3” because I’m hooked on those movies!

      Thanks for hosting the linkup this week!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great weekend? Sounds like you covered pretty much everything! Not necessarily over the weekend, but I had Lebanese food Monday night…I didn’t like everything they brought but it was interesting to try something new. I will probably watch Wild down the road on DVD, the last movie I saw in the theater was American Sniper, but I’m a big movie person so I watch a lot at home too!


    • Way to try something new! I’ve never had Labanese food before! I’ve heard really good things about American Sniper, but also heard it’s pretty gory, so I might steer clear of that one. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  4. Wow sounds like an awesome weekend. I’m not sure how I missed that it was National Frozen yogurt day, that is such a bummer! I haven’t seen a movie in, well, I can’t remember when! That is really sad! I’m hoping to go see one when my mom comes to visit in a few weeks and I have a built in babysitter!! You will love the spin shoes, they make a world of difference on the bike!!


    • Thanks so much! I honestly think the only reason I knew was because I go there entirely way too much, so I saw the signs and then they sent me an email. I know… I know… I’m a little obsessed! 🙂

      I hope you enjoy your movie time once your mom comes to town! She will love spending time with the little ones and you can have some grown up time! Win win!

      I’m hoping the spin shoes make a difference. I tried using them without the clips since I haven’t had the chance to get them put on yet and that was a mess so hopefully they will be better once I get those on!


  5. I love the idea of a bike swap! It’s pretty brilliant, actually. Bikes are soooo expensive. And your description of the auction with the drunk moms and dads was hilarious. We moms and dads don’t get out much and take advantage of alcohol whenever we can 😉

    To answer your questions:

    What is the best thing that you ate this weekend?
    We had pizza with friends Sunday night. And while the pizza was actually just ok, the time with our good friends made it taste that much better 🙂

    What was the last movie you saw?
    The last non-kid movie was Unbroken. I loved to book to a million pieces and while the movie was ok, it wasn’t even in the same league as the book.

    Have you seen “Wild”? What did you think?
    I have not seen Wild. Again, I’ve read the book and I really enjoyed it. I want to see the movie because Cheryl Strayed was heavily involved and it should be very close to the book. I guess I’ll wait until Redbox has it 🙂


    • Bikes really are expensive, so the swap was a win for me! I completely get it about taking advantage of the alcohol whenever you get the chance! It was just so funny to watch!

      Good company does make mediocre things much better. I’ve been looking for a new book to read so I’ll have to check that one out. I had no clue that Cheryl was so heavily involved in the making of the movie. That’s so cool!

      Thanks for stopping by!


    • Even though I was wearing short sleeves, it was still a little chilly. I just wasn’t wearing a jacket because I didn’t want one more thing to carry around inside the swap!


  6. Ohhh, those red velvet oreos! ❤ I need to try em'! And frozen yogurt <3!!! *-* …and that French toast!!!

    I just ate dinner, but now I'm hungry again. ._. That breakfast bar sounds amazingggg.


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