I’ve never sweat so much watching someone else workout in my life…

OH.MY.GOSH. Seriously. I can’t even get over the Seahawks vs. Packers game. I’ve never sweat so much watching someone else work out in my life! I’ve also never screamed so much at a TV in my life. What a game. Like seriously though. What a game.

I watched the game again with some of my favorite people and we sported some awesome blackout stickers this time! These were actually REALLY hard to find, so I’m happy my aunt was able to find a pack for us to wear on game day.


The game was a little rocky to say the least, so we ate A LOT of Skittles to bring good luck to the team and it worked! But holy crap did they keep us on the edge of our seats throughout the game.


We had some awesome game day eats again this week, but I didn’t get photos of most of them because I was to busy trying not to throw my phone at the TV screen. I did get a photo of my brownie froyo sundae to share though! We also had this chipotle party mix to snack on, which was okay, but not as exciting as I was expecting it to be.


And of course we had to film our traditional funny touchdown videos. If you’re ever over at my aunts’ house and find some random Skittles on the floor, this is how they got there!


AND WE WON! WHAT A GAME! I’m so proud of our team and to be from Seattle! So proud, that I had to make it rain Skittles on myself to celebrate!


Now since today is a holiday and I have an extended weekend, I am headed out for a lady date with one of my best friends! What’s not to love about a mani/pedi, brunch and a bonus day off to spend with friends?!?!

But first, I have some other exciting news on some things going on behind the scenes that I wanted to share.

I was accepted to the FitFluential Ambassador program a couple of days ago which was really exciting for me. This was one of the things I had on my list of Goals For 2015, so I’m really happy that I’m already starting to check things of my to-do list for the year.


I also received a really exciting email from The Skinny Confidential asking me to partner on an upcoming project! I know. Bananas right? I died when I read it. But seriously though. I can’t wait to share what we’re working on so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more on this, including an awesome giveaway! Like seriously, I wish I could keep it for myself it’s that cool! So you’re going to want to stay tuned for this one! 🙂


I also spent a lot of time updating this site to make it easier for you all to find posts on topics you may be looking for. I’d love it if you took some time to look at the new and improved menu at the top and let me know what you think!

Questions of the Day:

Do you have any suggestions of things you’d like to see more of on this blog? I’m always open to ideas from YOU!

Did you watch the Seahawks game this weekend? Did you manage to watch it without breaking anything?!!?

What did you do this weekend?

If you have the day off today, what are you doing with your bonus day off? 


Linking up to Healthy Diva Life, Her Heartland Soul, Life of Meg, Running N ReadingStill Being MollyA Savory Feast, Running with Spoons and Peas and Crayons.


10 thoughts on “I’ve never sweat so much watching someone else workout in my life…

  1. So great to “see” you again this week, Tricia; thanks so much for linking up with the blog. Of course, I watched the games yesterday; the Seattle vs. Green Bay game was just CRAZY! I don’t know how y’all handled it at all; you will be finding Skittles this time next year, if that game is any indication of how crazy it was for you – ha! Congratulations on your ambassadorship and your new project; that’s so exciting! I’ve been off today, as well, and enjoyed a nice, leisurely breakfast and then a great run and some cooking; I love these days off! We need them more often…have a great week!


    • Thanks so much for hosting and for all the congratulations! That’s very sweet of you! I’m excited to be checking off some things on my goal list already!

      As for the game, holy crap! What an intense game! I’m so happy we were able to pull out such an incredible win! I’m sure my aunt will be finding Skittles forever!

      Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day off! I agree, we need more of them! Have a great rest of your week! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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