Words To Live By In 2015

Hey there!

So who’s excited to start a whole new year full of promise, excitement, setting and achieving goals and having new experiences?!?! (I should tell you that I’m pointing two thumbs in my direction right now, since you can’t see me!) There’s something about starting over with a clean slate that I just love about the new year. I’m really ready to take what I’ve learned in 2014 and build on it in 2015. I have high hopes that 2015 is going to be freaking fabulous filled with some major accomplishments and fun times with loved ones.

I’m not going to sugar coat it; 2014 was not my finest year by a long shot, but I’ve learned so many valuable lessons that I am eternally grateful for. Even though learning them was a little rocky, to say the very least. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see what 2015 has in store for me!

So to build on my post from my post yesterday about staying happy and healthy in 2015, I wanted to share my word and theme for the year with you all today. I definitely have some goals that I am striving toward in 2015, but I think it’s important to have some all encompassing themes to strive toward too, kind of like an umbrella that all goal fall under, so to speak. (<– I really hope that makes sense to someone else besides just me!)

So without further ado, here are the theme and word I’ve chosen to live by in 2015! Make sure to share yours below because I’d love to hear them!

2015 WORD

I had a hard time choosing between “Self-Love” and “Gratitude” this year, but after some contemplation, I finally decided to go with “Self-Love.” This is something I think everyone struggles with from time to time in their lives, but it’s something that I really want to tackle in 2015! I was asked to participate in the “Blogging for a Happier New Year” campaign ClassPass will be running on their blog this January and the topic I chose to write about was “Why Loving Yourself Should Be On Your To-Do List This Year.” I can’t wait for you all to read it once it’s posted! Make sure to follow their blog this month for more inspiring posts from bloggers across the country on how they plan to make 2015 the happiest and healthiest year yet!

I also wanted to pick a theme or “personal mantra” to live by in 2015 to go along with my word of the year.


This is something I’ve been trying to live by for the last couple of months now and I’ve noticed my mindset has started to shift to a more positive way of thinking. We’re all guilty of comparing ourselves to others at one point or another in our lives, but I’m really trying to just focus on me going forward. What I mean by that is that I will really just think about if I am doing the best I can at a given moment and if I am, to stop beating myself up and negative thoughts about how I could have done something better or whatever the case may be.

We can go absolutely crazy comparing ourselves to others if we let ourselves go down that road. Someone will always have more of/something better than what we have so it’s important take everyone else out of consideration and just focus on ourselves in order to be happy. If you’re being kind to others and giving everything your best effort, then let that be enough.

Questions of the day:

What are your words to live by in 2015?

Do you have any fun NYE plans tonight?


Linking up to Our Three Peas, Jill Conyers, The Fit SwitchRunning 4 CupcakesFitting It All In, Housewife Glamour, You Signed Up For What?, September Farm, Diary of a Real Housewife, The Dwelling Tree, Live Randomly Simple and Running with Spoons.


30 thoughts on “Words To Live By In 2015

  1. I love your chosen word for 2015 – self-love. It includes gratitude – gratitude for your body since every moment of every day it cares for you. We just need to show it, your mind, your self care too. I have a few words that I’m mulling to be my inspiration and guide for the year. I wait for the first week or two of January when I’m back at work and life takes over to see which of the words stick around. I then know those are the ones to guide me through the year. Have a joyful New Year.


  2. It’s not a sexy slogan, but my plan in the New Year is tracking.

    I haven’t been a very organized person in life, but I find I am a much happier, saner person when I keep track of my life.

    Love your words to live by. 🙂


    • I completely agree! I’m lost without my calendars that I write everything down in! For some reason, I can’t keep track of everything in a digital calendar, it has to be an old school calendar that I hang on the wall at my desk.

      I hope you have a Happy New Year!


  3. Pingback: 5 Things Friday – My new favorite drink and more! | A Couple of Dashes

    • I LOVE your theme! What a great choice and so very Taylor Swift-like! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear how things go with your theme this year! Happy Friday!


  4. What great motto’s you picked this year! I haven’t yet decided, I have a post drafting in my head for goals/missions this year for me and my life but haven’t started writing it down just yet.


    • Thanks so much! Trust me, I know how you feel! I was milling mine around in my head for quite awhile before I wrote it down too! Happy New Year!


  5. You have a great word and slogan for 2015! I couldn’t agree more, its so important to be happy in the moment and not compare ourselves to others. Beyond being destructive to ourselves I truly believe that no matter how hard we have it at the moment there is something to be greatful for. Cheers to a great 2015


    • Thanks so much! That’s so true! Even in your worst moments, there really is always something to be grateful for! It’s just hard to see it in those tough moments but I have been trying to retrain myself to not throw the “my life is so horrible” pitty party and focus on thr positives. It’s a work in progress for sure but important!


      • I feel you, 2014 was by far the hardest year for my little family, and I definitely had my break downs through it. But even through all the bad times I know that I have so much in my life. Like you said it’s a work in progress, and I know we are going to have a great 2015! I hope you to lady 🙂


        • Thanks so much! I hope you do too! 2014 was by far my hardest year also and the only way I was able to make it through was by focusing on the positives and relying on my friends and family. It was a learning experience for sure! I have a feeling 2015 is going to be awesome for the both of us!


  6. My word for 2015 is Challenge, my slogan is push the limits and my mantra is I can and I will!!! I love your chosen word- self love I am trying to teach that to my current challenge group. too many women don’t love themselves because they are not where they want to be. Its time to love ourselves right now!


  7. Pingback: A Look Back At 2014 | A Couple of Dashes

  8. Love this! Words and mantras are really helping me out lately. My word for the year is: discipline. And my slogan is, : Love the Challenge.” It’s all about getting better at getting things done this year! LOVE YOURS! So excited for you. Keep it up, Tricia!


  9. Popping over from Totally Terrific Tuesday =) I’m working on my word of the year… stay tuned for that. Self-love is a great choice. You really can’t succeed elsewhere until that is mastered. Best wishes and Happy New Year! Be sure to share your crafts & DIYs at Two Uses Tuesday over at Sarah Celebrates if you don’t already!


  10. What a great and inspiring post! I am so excited to have you over at Totally Terrific Tuesday and I hope you make it back this week if you have not linked up yet 🙂
    Your word and theme is amazing, can I steal it lol. I just have this great feeling about 2015 and I think something AMAZING is going to happen but I have no idea what. Every time I think about it I get butterflies in my stomach! How insane is that!? Ha Ha…anyway I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for both of us!!
    Have a wonderful week!


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