Make Me Happy Monday – Mom and Me Date, Marshmallow Lotion and My New Favorite Tea

Happy Monday!

How are you guys doing? Did you have a good weekend? I had a pretty relaxing weekend, but also managed to run some errands and go to a fun wine tasting ladies night with my mom. So all in all I’d consider it a success! I only wish there had been a few more hours in the weekend to catch up a little more on some sleep. I’m still beyond exhausted, but maybe that’s just a sign of the season because things always seem to be go, go, go this time of the year.

Any who… here are some of the things that have been making me happy lately that I’d highly recommend you checking out! I hope you find something new to add to your favorites list too! Make sure you share some of your favorites below so I can check them out!


I went to a wine tasting ladies night at a local winery with my mom and her friend the other night. They had lots of fun vendors with cute Christmas decorations and knick knacks, including this penguin scented wax warmer that I really considered buying until I realized it was $40! Eeeeekkk! We went out for dinner at a Japanese steak house after and had so much fun just spending some chill time together.


I’m sure you’ve all realized by now that I’m beyond obsessed with tea lately. My new favorite flavor is peppermint. I tried it for the first time last week and fell in love with it. It’s the perfect warm holiday drink!


My hands have been so dry lately because of the weather, so I’ve been rotating between a few different hand lotions trying to find one to get it under control, but nothing seems to be working. I went to Sephora the other day to pick up some products that I ran out of and remembered an old favorite, Soap & Glory Hand Food, and decided to pick up another bottle. I remembered having good luck with this last year, so I’m hoping it helps again this time around. I’m happy to report that after a few days of use, I’m falling in love with it all over again! I love how soft it makes my hands and it smells like marshmallows! YUM! Fingers crossed it keeps working!


I also picked up this awesome 500 point gift from Urban Decay at Sephora and am so excited to start using it! This is one of the best 500 point gifts they’ve offered and I’m so happy I saved my points up for this one! I’m a huge fan of Urban Decay shadows so this was a great find for me! I just hope I don’t fall in love with one of the shadows and then find out it’s not available outside of this palette when I run out. That happened to me with the Naked palette and I’m not stoked about it. 😦


I’m not sure if you’ve picked up on a theme here, but I’m a little obsessed with marshmallows lately. There’s just something about the holiday season that screams marshmallows. It must be because of all the hot chocolate! πŸ™‚ My mom actually picked these up for me as a gift. She’s so sweet, isn’t she?!?! So, now I have the candle to burn at home and the wax tart to melt in my warmer at work. Perfect!

Questions of the Day:

What did you do this weekend?

What are your current favorites?

What’s your favorite tea flavor to drink this season?


Linking up to Olives n Wine,Β Peas and Crayons,Β Running with Spoons, Running 4 Cupcakes,Β Housewife Glamour,Β Fitful Focus, That Friday Blog HopΒ and September Farm linkups!

12 thoughts on “Make Me Happy Monday – Mom and Me Date, Marshmallow Lotion and My New Favorite Tea

  1. Oh man. I didn’t even notice that Sephora had an Urban Decay award. I was addicted to Naked, and Naked 2, (I’ve held off on Naked 3, we’ll see how long that lasts.)

    Also, those candles are so cute. I need to find some festive-ish ones. πŸ™‚


    • Yeah, I just got it yesterday so yours might still have it. It’s a pretty good gift compared to what they usually have. Have you tried any of the Naked Basics palettes? I’m debating picking one up.


  2. Mom & Daughter dates are the best. Glad you two were able to have such a good time. Very sweet of her to give you a little present as well. πŸ™‚

    I’m not sure if you’ve entered or not, but I actually have a candle giveaway going on right now. It ends Thursday so make sure to get your entries in for a chance to win a 3 set of Old Factory Candle’s!


    • Aren’t they the best?!? I love them! She’s the best! So thoughtful!

      Thanks for sharing the giveaway! I’m entering right now! πŸ™‚


    • Hahaha! It’s seriously the best lotion. I highly recommend it! πŸ™‚

      Yankee Candle is amazing! I have a drawer full of the holiday scents in the wax tarts to use in my office.


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